Sports Boosters awards a $1000 scholarship to two graduating student-athletes each year, one female and one male, who have earned a varsity team letter and maintained a 3.0 GPA. This scholarship is awarded based on academic achievement, community service, and demonstrated leadership.
To be eligible for this scholarship, students must meet the following requirements:
Student family is a current member of SHS Sports Boosters (families can join at any time during the school year)
Cumulative 3.0 GPA - Please provide official transcript
Varsity letter earned
Attending a 2 or 4 year college in the fall
How to Apply
Students interested in applying for this scholarship must submit the following materials:
Submit transcript and Scholarship Application
Write an essay of not more than 500 words (total) that addresses the following three questions:
What have you learned from playing High School sports that will help you to be successful in life?
How have you been a role model for others at Saratoga High School either on or off the field?
What are you most proud of as a student athlete at Saratoga High School?
Completed application materials must be submitted to OR to the guidance Office by May 1st. Recipients will be recognized at the Senior Awards Night ceremony.
Scholarship Recipients
2024 Girls
Zineerah Ahmed
2024 Boys
Jake Merrill
2021 Girls
Hannah Camp
Grace Stuart
2021 Boys
Trevor Green
2020 Girls
Anika Prasad
2020 Boys
George Bian
Kole Tippetts
2019 Girls
Christie Ruhi
Isabella Tan
2019 Boys
Nirav Adunuthula
Hanlin Sun