Student athletics are an integral part of the Saratoga High School environment and are an important factor in distinguishing our school as one of the best high schools in California. The skill development, stress management, camaraderie and sportsmanship that students experience through athletics often transcends high school years and beyond.

Some of the most important benefits of sports participation in high school that students continue to practice after graduation include: self-confidence in building relationships with others and a stronger capacity for empathy; a better understanding of self-awareness and how their actions have an effect on other people; and developing a foundation for fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

Saratoga High School Sports Boosters provides support and funding to benefit the development of these lifelong habits.  By focusing on the value of character development versus wins and losses, coaches have a tremendous impact on students to apply what they learn in athletics to post high school life.  

Whether you have a student athlete or not, your support of Saratoga High School Sports Boosters is essential to creating a positive environment for students.  Some of the programs that are funded by Sports Boosters include annual athlete concussion testing, athletic training, and enhancements that benefit multiple sports at the varsity and junior varsity level. In 2022-2023, Sports Boosters Funds supported Capital Improvement Projects, Team Uniforms and Events including Homecoming, Senior Night and 8th grade Sports Night.  In addition, Sports Boosters awards scholarships to deserving senior student athletes and recognizes seniors who have signed at a collegiate level.

To join Sports Boosters, please use our convenient PayPal links below. Alternatively, download the Membership form and mail or drop it off in the Activities Office.

Sports Boosters Memberships


As a member, you can designate a specific donation to a specific team and take advantage of employee corporate matching programs.

Please use the link below to make your donation: 

Saratoga Sports Boosters Membership & Sports Team Donation

Corporate Sponsorship

Deduct your donation: Tax ID #94-2578997

All student athlete families are asked by SHS to donate separately when they register students for each specific SHS sport. 

That registration amount is a contribution to play covering that sport’s necessary operational expenses (not covered by the district).

We also remind you not to confuse your ASB contribution and your contribution to play registration amount with becoming a member of SHS Sports Boosters. Please JOIN us by donating today!